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#НуцлеарЕнерги може помоћи #Поланду да смањи емисије и створи послове




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Poland must invest in a new low-carbon energy source if it is to reduce its CO2 emissions, according to Polish Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski. The minister was speaking at the inaugural World Nuclear Spotlight Poland conference in Warsaw – a high-level event which brought together Polish decision makers and global nuclear industry leaders and stakeholders.

Tchórzewski said that nuclear energy should be considered as a solution to the challenges facing the Polish economy and the energy sector. This is especially important within the context of the European Union’s climate policy which obliges member states to reduce the share of coal in their energy mix amid whilst demand for electricity continues to grow.

Nuclear energy also allows countries to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement as it contributes significantly to reducing CO2 emissions. Poland is already showing its commitment to this Agreement, having recently joined the Nuclear Innovation Initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (NICE Future). It will also be hosting the next Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 24) in December 2018 in Katowice.

A recent report published by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that achieving the 1.5C goal, in line with the Paris Agreement, will require global greenhouse gas emissions to decrease almost immediately. Furthermore, nuclear capacity will need to be on average 2.5 times higher by 2050 under the 89 mitigation scenarios considered by the IPCC.

Speaking at the same conference, World Nuclear Association Director General Agneta Rising said: “Poland should take the lead and become one of the next countries to use nuclear generation to meet their energy needs. I hope that, as Poland hosts the upcoming COP 24 UN climate conference, we will see the international community implementing energy and climate strategies that encourage a broad range of mitigation actions, including an expansion of nuclear energy worldwide, so that economies can develop sustainably and efficiently for the benefit of people and the planet.”

Tchórzewski also discussed other potential benefits for the Polish industry as nuclear energy provides an opportunity to implement technologically advanced projects that can contribute to the creation of stable, high-value jobs. The development of the nuclear sector in Poland may also accelerate technology transfer and may have a positive impact on many other industries.

Whilst welcoming the Polish Ministry of Energy’s strong support for nuclear energy and the country’s ambitious plans to advance its nuclear power programme, FORATOM Director General Yves Desbazeille said: “The construction of a nuclear power plant can help Poland meet many strategic objectives as it provides security of energy supply, decreases dependency on fossil fuel imports, boosts the economy, and helps decarbonize the power system in line with the energy and climate targets agreed at EU level.”


World Nuclear Spotlight Poland was organized by World Nuclear Association in collaboration with FORATOM at the invitation of the Polish Ministry of Energy. The conference gave participants an opportunity to learn more about the current status of the Polish nuclear energy programme and understand better its potential role in Poland’s future energy mix. It also focused on presenting possible business opportunities for Polish companies interested in being part of the nuclear supply chain. The event also provided an international platform allowing to exchange knowledge and experiences with global nuclear industry leaders, who focused on discussing selected topics of interest, which are key from a Polish perspective.

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