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Међународна заједница јача подршку за #Сомалиа планове за стабилност и развој




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Somalia will benefit from renewed international support, both politically and financially, as the country implements key reforms to overcome years of conflict and secure a better future for the Somali people.

Today, international stakeholders gathered in Brussels for the Somalia Partnership Forum, organized by the European Union together with the Federal Government of Somalia and Sweden. Over 60 delegations took part and agreed on joint commitments in key areas for inclusive politics, peace and security and economic recovery in Somalia.

High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini said: "The European Union is leading the international partnership to strengthen Somalia's political, economic and security reform agenda. Today, I announced that the EU will provide additional €200 million to support Somalia's overall stabilization to create a better future for its people. I also signed the EU's contribution of €114.2 million for the African Union Mission to Somalia until the end of this year. The stability and development of the country is also critical for the stability of the broader region and for Europe."

The President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said: "The Federal Government of Somalia is fully committed to implement the Political Roadmap 2020, Transition plan for security, economic reform and reach out to the whole of Somalia for reconciliation and dialogue. The Somalia Partnership Forum is key for strengthened partnerships with our regional and international partners. We want to work according to the theme of the forum – forward together."

Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Margot Wallström, said: "The Somalia Partnership Forum has made a number of strong commitments for inclusive politics. We encourage Somalia to adopt national laws and policies that protect women's and girls' human rights and enable them to have a stronger role in society. Somalia has taken very important steps on the pathway for sustainable peace and development. Sweden remains a committed partner and will double our development support to Somalia to approximately $350 million over the next five years."

Заједничко саопштење was adopted which outlines the key outcomes of the forum.



Over the period 2015-2018, the EU and its member states provide €3.7 billion to the country in development and humanitarian aid as well as peacekeeping operations.

The EU is a leading supporter of Somalia in a wide range of areas, in particular on security with three Common Security and Defence Policy missions in the country: EUNAVOR ATALANTA, EUTM Somalia, EUCAP Somalia. These missions and operations play a significant role in supporting Somalia's efforts to become a peaceful, stable and democratic country and to take progressive ownership over its own national security. The EU has consistently supported the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) which has been operating for 10 years now and with €1.73 billion. The EU is currently increasing its security support to the country, reorienting it to more direct support to the Somali institutions.

The EU has also stepped up its humanitarian contribution, with €89 million in new funding announced last week.

Више информација

Заједничко саопштење

Opening remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini

Factsheet - EU's comprehensive support to Somalia

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