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#СРБ објављује сљедеће кораке за #БанцоПопулар да чује од повјерилаца и акционара




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Registered shareholders and creditors deemed eligible will be invited to submit their written comments to the SRB from 6 November 2018.

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) is currently finalizing its preparations so that affected shareholders and creditors can exercise their right to be heard. This process allows those affected to submit their comments on the preliminary decision of the SRB not to grant compensation to affected shareholders and creditors. The SRB’s preliminary decision found that these affected parties would not have received better treatment if BPE had been wound up under normal insolvency proceedings.

During the first phase of the process, around 12,000 parties, either individually or represented as a group, expressed interest in exercising their right to be heard. At this stage, the SRB is pleased to announce that the assessment of the eligibility of the parties registered in the first phase of the process is almost complete.

On 6 November, the SRB will open the second phase of the process, allowing eligible registered parties to submit their written comments. These eligible parties, or their representative, will receive a unique personal link by email, on 6 November 2018, to a dedicated online portal. This portal will remain open for three weeks until Monday 26 November 2018 at 12h CET. No comments will be accepted after this deadline.

All the comments submitted will be reviewed and assessed in order to inform the SRB’s final decision on whether compensation should be granted. Due to the large number of parties involved in the process no individual answers will be provided.

More information on the process will be published on this веб страница by 6 November 2018.



На КСНУМКС јуни КСНУМКС, Европска централна банка (ЕЦБ) је одлучила да Банцо Популар Еспанол СА (БПЕ) не успије или вјероватно не успије. ЕЦБ је према томе обавестила СРБ.

На КСНУМКС јуну КСНУМКС, СРБ је усвојила одлуку о решењу за БПЕ, Шпањолски КСНУМКСth largest bank. After the write-down and/or conversion of subordinated liabilities into new shares, all shares and capital of BPE were transferred to Banco Santander S.A. The SRB and the Spanish Executive Resolution Authority (FROB) decided that the sale was in the public interest as it ensured financial stability, while protecting all depositors of BPE. The resolution scheme entered into force on the same day, following the endorsement of the European Commission. The resolution scheme was implemented by FROB.

The SRB published on 2 February 2018, among other documents, a non-confidential version of the Resolution Decision in respect of BPE, the Valuation 1 and 2 Reports, annexed to the Resolution Decision, and the 2016 Resolution Plan for Banco Popular Group.

On 13 June 2018, the SRB announced that it had received the final Извештај о вредновању КСНУМКС-а. On 6 August 2018, the SRB published a non-confidential version of the Valuation 3 report together with its прелиминарно одлука that it does not intend to compensate former shareholders and creditors of BPE based on the conclusions of the report. On the same date the SRB opened the registration for the right to be heard procedure. The registration phase remained open until 14 September 2018 at 12.00 CET.

О Одбору за јединствену резолуцију и механизму за јединствену резолуцију

The Single Resolution Board (SRB) is the resolution authority within the Banking Union and, as part of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), is at its centre. It works closely with, in particular, the national resolution authorities (NRAs) of participating Member States, the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and national competent authorities (NCAs). Its mission is to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimum impact on the real economy and public finances of the participating Member States and beyond.

СРМ регулација (СРМР) успоставља оквир за рјешавање банака у земљама ЕУ које учествују у банкарској унији.

Директиву о опоравку и резолуцији банке (БРРД) захтијева од банака да припремају планове опоравка како би превазишли финансијске проблеме. Такође, овлашћује националне власти да осигурају уредно рјешавање банкама које не успевају, уз минималне трошкове за пореске обвезнике.

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