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The Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as Putin's Chef, for having catering contracts with the Kremlin, has written an open letter to the US congressmen and senators who are to consider two resolutions personally against him. This is an unusual step, on the part of a figure who does not normally participate in public policy. What message is the Kremlin trying to convey and why it is important, asks Louis Auge?

Оптужбе против Пригожина

On 11 June, a resolution (H.Res.996) was introduced in the US House of Representatives calling for new sanctions against Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman with connections to the Kremlin. On June, 16th Senator Republican Marco Rubio together with his fellow democrat Chris Coons introduced to the Senate a similar resolution (S.Res.624). The document says that "Yevgeniy Prigozhin is a Russian national who has maintained close personal ties with President Vladimir Putin since the early 2000s" and he "is the patron and funder of the Wagner Group, also known as the Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner, a Russian mercenary organization staffed by current and former military and intelligence officers, and the Internet Research Agency (IRA), an organization engaged in online influence operations.

Пригозхина је оптужена за учешће у операцијама у Украјини, Африци и на Блиском Истоку, као и да се мијешала у америчке изборе “.

Документ упућен Сенату, поред позива на пооштрене санкције и пописа региона у којима Пригожин делује против интереса Сједињених Држава, захтијева посебну стратегију за сузбијање његове активности:


„Председник би, поред одржавања санкција Јевгенију Пригожину, његовим повезаним ентитетима и Групи Вагнер, требало да сарађује са Конгресом на развоју и спровођењу стратегије која се ослања на вишеструке инструменте државне моћи Сједињених Држава ... ... малигни утицај и активности Пригожина, њему придружених ентитета и Вагнер Гроуп, требало би да раде са Конгресом на развоју и спровођењу стратегије која се ослања на вишеструке инструменте државне моћи Сједињених Држава ... “

The Wagner Group and other alleged entities with ties to the Russian businessman are frequent subjects of world news. Yevgeny Prigozhin is suspected of helping the Libyan rebel general Khalifa Haftar. On 16 June, the head of the public relations department of the AFRICOM Nicole Kirschmann stated that 2,000 Wagner Group mercenaries were operating in Либија.

At the same time Prigozhin, according to Тхе Тимес newspaper, is trying to bring to power in Libya Haftar's rival Saif Gaddafi, son of the deposed Libyan leader Муаммар Гадафи. However, in the US, Prigozhin and his trolls from IRA are subjected in the election meddling in 2016 and even in fomenting racial tensions in American society.

Порука Руса

22. јуна на Интернету је објављено „Отворено писмо Конгресу САД“, које је потписао сам Пригожин. Рус покушава реторички да оповргне оптужбе против њега. Које циљеве је одабрала особа блиска Владимиру Путину да би критиковала Сједињене Државе?

Прво, он критикује саме темеље америчке државности. „Основа америчке нације је да су у 17. веку први досељеници дошли у Северну Америку, уништили домаће становнике и створили своју државу“, примећује Пригожин.

Secondly, he emphasizes that the US itself in its foreign policy does not pay attention to the interests of other countries: "Presently the national interests of the United States are based on destroying all dissent and spreading its influence around the world. America annihilates everything that does not meet the national interests of the United States. In total, the United States launched 41 wars in which millions of people were killed. It includes the unceremonious and unjustifiable use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The key national interest of the United States is the destruction of foreign cultures and the enslavement of other peoples".

Third, he notes that the U.S. itself interferes in the affairs of other countries and has the largest army in the world, much of which is located outside the US: "In order to destroy the national values of other countries, including their customs and culture, the United States regularly interferes in political processes and elections around the world, shamelessly opening the doors of embassies and presidential offices, creating lawlessness and rewriting laws for themselves to push their interests," - Prigozhin writes.

„Америчко војно присуство у иностранству је вишеструко веће од страних војних мисија из било које друге земље на свету и броји око 300,000 људи“, тврди руски бизнисмен.

Finally, according to him, there is no need to divide the US population at all. It is already fragmented.

„Упркос чињеници да су Сједињене Државе најбогатија земља на свету, обојено становништво или већина Американаца не живи ништа боље од обичних становника руског залеђа“, каже Путинов шеф.

Слабе тачке

Yevgeniy Prigozhin points to the weaknesses of modern American society and American statehood. Indeed, the difference in income between black and white Americans is shocking. Other countries are increasingly dissatisfied with unilateral US actions. In Iraq, the US military has already been asked to leave. The US under the Trump administration in the White House has quarreled with its allies in Europe and Asia, refusing to pursue a multilateralism in politics.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The US foreign policy is based on the principle of American exclusivity, where the U.S. can do anything, conduct operations anywhere in the world, without the permission of the UN, based only on domestic counter-terrorism legislation. Drone strikes in the Middle East and Africa have become the Americans' favorite weapon since the time of Barack Obama.

Структурални расизам остаје интегрална карактеристика америчког друштва, било да су демократи или републиканци на власти. Покрет Блацк Ливес Маттер појавио се након Фергусона 2014. године, када је САД-ом управљао црни предсједник, али нема назнака да су животи црнаца заиста постали важнији за полицију.

Commenting on Prigozhin's statements, it is easy to move aside, and that is what American politicians mostly do. Hence the statements that the Russians were “fomented racial tensions” or that the Russians somehow helped to elect Trump.

У ствари, ако то покушавају да ураде, користе већ постојеће проблеме у Сједињеним Државама. Нису Руси криви што су сада чак и у богатом Минеаполису средњи приход породице црнаца износили 36,000 УСД - тек нешто више од половине од 83,000 УСД, колико има типична бела породица у граду.

It's the same in foreign policy. Russians, Chinese, Iranians and others benefit from the failures of the United States. If the US and European NATO countries had not overthrown Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, opening up the prospect of a civil war, Libya would not have had any Wagner mercenaries - there would simply be no job for them.

Тешко је назвати Јевгенија Пригожина пријатељем САД-а. Он и други попут њега радо користе критике Сједињених Држава да подривају положај Американаца у конкуренцији великих сила. Међутим, такви људи пружају непроцењиву услугу самим Американцима. Попут опозиционих странака у демократским друштвима, у својим критикама владајућих странака, противници Сједињених Држава у критикама америчких ставова унутар земље и на светској сцени помажу у откривању рањивих тачака америчког државног система.

Оптужбе против Пригожина

On 11 June, a resolution (H.Res.996) was introduced in the US House of Representatives calling for new sanctions against Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman with connections to the Kremlin. On June, 16th Senator Republican Marco Rubio together with his fellow democrat Chris Coons introduced to the Senate a similar resolution (S.Res.624). The document says that "Yevgeniy Prigozhin is a Russian national who has maintained close personal ties with President Vladimir Putin since the early 2000s" and he "is the patron and funder of the Wagner Group, also known as the Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner, a Russian mercenary organization staffed by current and former military and intelligence officers, and the Internet Research Agency (IRA), an organization engaged in online influence operations.

Пригозхина је оптужена за учешће у операцијама у Украјини, Африци и на Блиском Истоку, као и да се мијешала у америчке изборе “.

The document sent to the Senate, in addition to calling for tougher sanctions and listing the regions where Prigozhin is acting against the interests of the United States, calls for a special strategy to counter his activity: "The president, in addition to maintaining sanctions on Yevgeniy Prigozhin, his affiliated entities, and the Wagner Group, should work with Congress to develop and execute a strategy drawing on the multiple instruments of United States national power... ...to counter the malignant influence and activities of Prigozhin, the entities affiliated to him, and the Wagner Group, should work with Congress to develop and execute a strategy drawing on the multiple instruments of United States national power.”

Порука Руса

On 22 June, an 'Open Letter to the US Congress', signed by Prigozhin himself, was published on the internet. The Russian is trying to rhetorically refute the charges against him. What targets did a person close to Vladimir Putin choose to criticize the United States?

Прво, он критикује саме темеље америчке државности. „Основа америчке нације је да су у 17. веку први досељеници дошли у Северну Америку, уништили домаће становнике и створили своју државу“, примећује Пригожин.

Secondly, he emphasizes that the US itself in its foreign policy does not pay attention to the interests of other countries: "Presently the national interests of the United States are based on destroying all dissent and spreading its influence around the world. America annihilates everything that does not meet the national interests of the United States. In total, the United States launched 41 wars in which millions of people were killed. It includes the unceremonious and unjustifiable use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The key national interest of the United States is the destruction of foreign cultures and the enslavement of other peoples".

Third, he notes that the U.S. itself interferes in the affairs of other countries and has the largest army in the world, much of which is located outside the US: "In order to destroy the national values of other countries, including their customs and culture, the United States regularly interferes in political processes and elections around the world, shamelessly opening the doors of embassies and presidential offices, creating lawlessness and rewriting laws for themselves to push their interests," - Prigozhin writes.

„Америчко војно присуство у иностранству је вишеструко веће од страних војних мисија из било које друге земље на свету и броји око 300,000 људи“, тврди руски бизнисмен.

Finally, according to him, there is no need to divide the US population at all. It is already fragmented.

„Упркос чињеници да су Сједињене Државе најбогатија земља на свету, обојено становништво или већина Американаца не живи ништа боље од обичних становника руског залеђа“, каже Путинов шеф.

Слабе тачке

Јевгениј Пригозхин указује на слабости модерног америчког друштва и америчке државности. Заиста, разлика у примањима између црно-белих Американаца је шокантна. Остале земље све су незадовољније једностраним акцијама САД-а. У Ираку је од америчке војске већ затражено да оде. САД под Трумповом администрацијом у Бијелој кући свађале су се са својим савезницима у Европи и Азији, одбијајући да спроведу мултилатерализам у политици.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The U.S. foreign policy is based on the principle of American exclusivity, where the US can do anything, conduct operations anywhere in the world, without the permission of the UN, based only on domestic counter-terrorism legislation. Drone strikes in the Middle East and Africa have become the Americans' favorite weapon since the time of Barack Obama.

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