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#Цоронавирус одговор: ЕУ шаље додатне маске #РесцЕУ у Хрватску, Црну Гору и Северну Македонију 




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More batches of FFP2 and FFP3 protective masks have been distributed to Croatia, Montenegro and North Macedonia from rescEU - the common European reserve of medical equipment set up this year to help countries affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

"We are delivering more masks from the rescEU reserve of medical equipment to help the national authorities in their response to COVID-19. At the same time, we are continuing to build up our reserves of medical equipment, so that we are well prepared. The pandemic is not over and we must continue to be vigilant, working in co-ordination at European level,” said Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič.

In addition to the delivery of equipment, the Механизам за цивилну заштиту у ЕУ co-ordinated last week the deployment of an Italian Emergency Medical Team to support local health authorities in Azerbaijan. Six medical experts will spend two weeks helping fight against the coronavirus. Since the start of the pandemic, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has responded to 25 requests, among others to provide personal protective equipment, medicines and health experts.

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ЕУ Репортер објављује чланке из разних спољних извора који изражавају широк спектар гледишта. Ставови заузети у овим чланцима нису нужно ставови ЕУ Репортера.
