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Председник Узбекистана објаснио потребу за уставном реформом - Експерти ЦЕРР-а извршили лингвистичку анализу говора председника




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On 20 June, Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with members of the constitutional commission on the formation of proposals for amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the implementation of organizational measures, writes Bakhtiyor Ismailov, CERR.

Experts of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR) conducted a linguistic analysis of the speech of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a Састанак with members of the Constitutional Commission, which was held on 20 June.

Using a cloud of words, analysts determined what the Head of State focused on the most.

In his speech, the Head of State noted that the updated Constitution will serve, first of all, the future development of our people, society and state. At the same time, the President put forward his proposals on four priority areas of the new Constitution.

The results of the analysis, from the original language, showed the following:

In total, the President used 5,674 words in his speech, the most used of which were “устава” – 106 times, “били су” – 75 times, “особа” – 54 times, “права" – 42 times.

Words such as “држављанин", “закон", “предлог", “нови"И"живот” have been used more than 30 times.


Речи “society", “издржљив", “Реформа", “породица", “Узбекистан", “бесплатно", “друштвени" were used more than 20 times.

If we look at the words used in the speech of the Head of State, we can see that the main emphasis was based on the “man-society-state” approach, which is the main principle of today's reforms.

The President called on compatriots to take a more active part in the process of constitutional reform.

On the portal "This is my Constitution", a draft constitutional law on amendments to the Constitution was published in Uzbek and Russian on June 25 for public discussion. Citizens can send comments and observations. The discussion will end on July 4, after which the bill will be put to a referendum.

At the moment, the text of the bill contains over 170 amendments to 66 articles of the Basic Law.

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