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#СтатеАид: Комисија продужава правила ЕУ о државној помоћи и покреће евалуацију




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The European Commission plans to prolong for two years seven sets of state aid rules, otherwise expiring in 2020. The Commission has also launched an evaluation of those rules and of other state aid rules to assess whether to further prolong them or possibly update them in the future. Since May 2012, the Commission has implemented a major reform of EU state aid rules, the Државна помоћ Модернизација.

This allows member states to quickly implement state aid that fosters investment, economic growth and job creation, leaving the Commission to focus its state aid control on the cases most liable to distort competition.

To provide predictability and legal certainty, whilst preparing for a possible future update of the state aid rules adopted as part of the State Aid Modernization, the Commission will take two steps. First, the Commission intends to prolong for two years (until end 2022) the validity of the rules otherwise expiring by end 2020.

Second, line with the Commission's Смернице за боље регулације, the Commission will evaluate those rules together with the other state aid rules. The evaluation takes the form of a 'фитнесс цхецк' and will provide a basis for decisions, to be taken by the Commission in the future, about whether to further prolong or possibly update the rules.

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