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#ЕУТуркеи: Комисија извештава о имплементацији; НВО питање законитост договора




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The European Commission has provided an update of the implementation of the EU-Turkey Agreement. The Commission makes it clear that "continued efforts and commitments are needed to consolidate this position and carry out sustained return and resettlement operations, given that this aspect of implementation still largely lies ahead". Despite the Commission's efforts, only 103 Syrian refugees have been resettled to the EU under the 1:1 scheme. 

The Commission continues to assert that the EU-Turkey deal is deterring people smugglers and that it is in line with European and international law. While the Commission has been reassured by Turkish authorities that no "refoulement" is taking place (forcible return of refugees or asylum seekers to a country where they are liable to be subjected to persecution), the Commission appears to ignore evidence provided by Amnesty International that Syrians have been pushed back into Syria. The principle of non-refoulement is enshrined in the 1951 Geneva Convention and is central to both European and international asylum law. Reassurances from Turkey are far from adequate and it is a dereliction of duty by the Commission to ignore the evidence that has been provided.

Вол Стрит новине journalist Valentina Pop asked about refoulement:

Iverna McGowan, Head of Amnesty International's Brussels office tweeted:

The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) has already argued that the EU-Turkey deal does not represent an answer in terms of opening safe and legal channels. They have also said that establishing an exchange, whereby resettlement places are conditional on deportations to Turkey is morally and legally deplorable. Instead, the ECRE argue that the deal will only displace smuggling activities, leading people to take more dangerous routes and that unless safe and legal pathways are opened, 2016 will be the deadliest year yet for those seeking protection in the EU.


The Commission's report concludes that there has been good progress since 18 March, with joint efforts by the Greek and Turkish authorities, the Commission, Member States and EU agencies making headway in operationalising the Statement:

  • The return of irregular migrants to Turkey started on 4 April. So far, 325 irregular migrants arriving to Greece via Turkey after 20 March have been returned to Turkey under the Statement. We welcome that a number of legal changes have been undertaken by both Greece and Turkey to ensure full respect of EU and international law. Frontex has deployed 318 escort officers and 21 readmission experts to the Greek islands to support the return operations. In addition, a total of 25 Turkish liaison officers have been deployed in the Greek hotspots and 5 Greek liaison officers to arrival points in Turkey.
  • The first resettlements from Turkey following the Statement took place on 4-5 April. So far, 103 Syrian refugees have been resettled to the EU under the 1:1 scheme. Standard Operating Procedures for resettlement have been developed in close cooperation between the Commission, member states, EASO, UNHCR and Turkey, and now need to be finalized.
  • Greece has set up accelerated procedures for the processing of all stages of asylum applications on the islands, from the initial interviews to the appeals. Greece has already deployed case officers and police officers to the islands, in line with the requirements of the Asylum Procedures Directive. EASO has deployed 60 asylum officers and 67 interpreters to the Greek islands to support the processing of asylum applications.
  • The Commission will present its third visa liberalisation progress report for Turkey on 4 May and, if Turkey takes the necessary measures to fulfil the remaining benchmarks, the report will be accompanied by a legislative proposal for transferring Turkey to the visa-free list.
  • Programming and project preparation under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey have been accelerated. In addition to €1 billion from the EU budget, 16 EU member states have now sent in their contribution certificates, covering €1.61bn out of the €2bn pledged for 2016-2017. The first contracts under the Facility, worth €77 million, were signed on 4 March and the first payments were made on 18 March.The good progress in the initial phase of implementation now needs to be stepped up in the next phases. The Commission will remain fully engaged in implementing all elements of the Statement. member states need to step up their efforts in supporting Greece, particularly given the need to pay particular attention to children and vulnerable groups; more pledges and acceptances are needed in terms of resettlement, relocation and support to the EU agencies. Those member states that have not sent in their contribution certificates under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey should quickly do so.Equally, further efforts are required by Turkey to make sure that those who need international protection receive the kind of support they most require including through the Facility. Turkey also needs to take the necessary measures to fulfill the remaining benchmarks of the visa liberalization road map by the end of April, with a view to lifting the visa requirements for Turkish citizens at the latest by the end of June 2016.The Commission will present its second report on the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement in early June 2016.


In line with the EU-Turkey statement, from 20 March 2016, all new irregular migrants and asylum seekers arriving from Turkey to the Greek islands and whose applications for asylum have been declared inadmissible should be returned to Turkey. This temporary and extraordinary step is designed to end human suffering by showing clearly that there is no benefit in following the route offered by the smugglers.

Under the Statement, the EU will resettle a Syrian from Turkey to the EU for every Syrian returned to Turkey from the Greek islands. Priority is given to migrants who have not previously entered or tried to enter the EU irregularly, within the framework of the existing commitments.

The implementation of the agreement requires huge operational efforts from all involved, and most of all from Greece. Greece and Turkey are the two governments in charge of implementing the agreement. It is their authorities who have to do the legal and operational work and ensure that EU and international law is respected at all stages of the process. The Commission has been working closely with the Greek and Turkish authorities to ensure the necessary improvements in terms of practical and logistical arrangements and human resources to ensurethe smooth implementation of returns and is assisting Greece with advice, expertise and support from the EU budget. President Juncker immediately appointed an EU Co-ordinator and reinforced the existing Commission team already on the ground in Greece. The EU Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the support provided to the Greek authorities by the Commission, the EU agencies, and the other member states and the co-ordination of member states action for the implementation of the resettlement programme from Turkey.

Више информација

Communication: First Report on the progress made in the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement


MEMO: Implementing the EU-Turkey Agreement – Questions and Answers

FACTSHEET: Facility for refugees in Turkey

ФАЦТСХЕЕТ:Managing the refugee crisis: EU financial support to Greece

Operational implementation of the EU-Turkey Agreement: Member States pledges and deployments for Frontex and EASO operations - returns and resettlements

ЕУ и Турске Изјава  of 18 March

EU-Turkey Action Plan of 15 October, activated on 29 November

Appointment of the EU Coordinator

Европска агенда за миграције

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