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У току је Европска недеља МОВЕ




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слидер_кнумкThis week (29 September - 5 October) the 2014 edition of Europe’s biggest community sport and physical activity event will take place. It began on global World Heart Day on 29 September and will continue throughout the week until 5 October.

MOVE Week is the flagship event of the NowWeMOVE campaign aiming to get more Europeans active in sport and physical activity. The campaign has been such a great success that the number of participants, events and volunteers has doubled every year so far. It is expected that 1,000,000 Europeans will partake in the scheduled КСНУМКС догађаји in Земље КСНУМКС all over Europe in 2014.

295 million Europeans never or very seldom exercise

"A recent survey showed that 295 million people or 59% of the European citizens answer that they never or very seldom exercise or do sport. With the MOVE Week we will connect and include citizens from all over Europe. We want to illustrate the variety of local initiatives celebrating active lifestyles, sport and physical activity to help people start moving,” said Mogens Kirkeby, president of International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), the organization behind MOVE Week.

The events are as diverse as trail-running in the Romanian mountains, orienteering in Poland, a treasure hunt in Malta, scuba diving in Bulgaria, night bike riding in Greece and a family march as far away as the French overseas department of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.

To find out what events are happening in a city near you, visit the MOVE Week website. The NowWeMOVE campaign is organized by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) in collaboration with the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and with financial support from the European Commission and Coca-Cola Europe.

The results of the pan European МОВЕ Веек campaign, which aimed to promote the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport throughout Europe saw circa 4,500 events take place across 38 European countries and more than 1,000,000 citizens being active. To find out more information about the results of each individual countries, кликните овде.


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