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Како # ЦОВИД-19 утиче на #Ерасмус и #ЕУСолидибилитиЦорпс




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The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the 170,000 young people involved in Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps. Find out how the EU is helping them.

Education has been hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis. Travel restrictions and the closing of universities mean participants in cross-border mobility programmes, such as the Eрасмус + student exchange and the Европски корпус солидарности, are facing challenges.

Currently, 165,000 young people across Europe are on an Erasmus exchange and 5,000 more are involved in volunteering projects.

Erasmus students during Covid-19 (source: Erasmus Student Network)
  • 25% of student exchanges were cancelled due to COVID-19
  • 37.5% of students experienced at least one major problem related to their exchange (for example: couldn’t go home, accommodation problems)
  • Half of the students whose programme continued have moved to online classes
  • 34% have moved to partial online offers or partially postponed classes.

How the EU is helping

To help young people who are volunteering or taking part in Erasmus+, as much as possible, the European Commission has said it will make the programmes as flexible as legally possible.

It has recommended that the national agencies, responsible for the management of study exchanges, invoke “force majeure”, which would allow them to assess the possibility of approving additional costs up to a maximum grant amount and to postpone planned activities for 12 months.

Парламент одбор за културу и образовање has called on the Commission to do everything possible to provide support, clear information and reassurance for participants.

У letter to Mariya Gabriel, the commissioner responsible for youth and education on 15 April, MEPs ask the Commission to ensure that:

  • Максимална флексибилност is applied, in particular to help those who have had to return to their home countries for safety reasons
  • All exceptional costs in connection with Covid-19 are надокнађени
  • Exchange students and participants of the Solidarity Corps programme retain their status
  • Размјена ученика do not lose the academic year and can obtain the ECTS credits through remote study arrangements.
About the Erasmus programme
  • Started as a student exchange programme in 1987, but since 2014 also offers opportunities for teachers, trainees and volunteers of all ages.
  • Currently covers 33 countries (all 27 EU countries, plus UK, Turkey, North Macedonia, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and is open to partner countries across the world.
  • More than nine million people have taken part in the Erasmus+ programme over the past 30 years and nearly 800,000 people benefited from the programme in 2017 alone.

MEPs also asked the Commission to keep the culture and education committee updated about the number of participants currently on an exchange, their situation and the measures taken to support them. On 4 May, the committee again debated the issue with Commissioners Thierry Breton and Mariya Gabriel.

Прочитајте 10 ствари које ЕУ чини у борби против ЦОВИД-19 и умањивања његовог утицаја.

The Solidarity Corps
  • Created in 2018 to replace the European Voluntary Service
  • Aims to give young people the opportunity to volunteer or work on projects in their country or abroad
  • Aims to help vulnerable communities and people across Europe by bringing together young people who want to build a more inclusive society
Erasmus in the time of Covid-19 ©Franz12/AdobeStockErasmus in the time of COVID-19 ©Franz12/AdobeStock 

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