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Европски градови који се нису одвратили од кризе: усвојени су акциони планови за одрживу енергију КСНУМКС




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Sustainable_Energy_AwardsThree thousand local authorities have already voluntarily submitted a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) to the European Commission. Despite the economic downturn, cities are not wavering from their commitments and are determined to become more liveable and economically prosperous through sustainable investments. This impressive number is expected to continue growing as almost 5,000 local authorities have joined the Covenant of Mayors initiative so far, representing more than one third of the EU population.

Према недавном студирати by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Covenant of Mayors signatory cities release approximately eight tonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita. However, through the implementation of their SEAPs, cities commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by about 28% by 2020, thus voluntary exceeding the 20% reduction objective of the European Union.

On average, 44% of the overall CO2 reduction is expected to result from actions addressing  the buildings sector (retrofitting of building stock, energy audits, etc.), 20% from the  transport sector (introduction of cleaner vehicles, congestion charges, etc. ) and 16%  from local energy production actions (production of biogas or solar energy, for instance). Concrete examples of actions and results achieved by signatory cities can be found in the Benchmarks of Excellence catalogue а Klijenti секција.

The next step for Covenant of Mayors signatories is to start monitoring the implementation of their SEAPs. A monitoring pack is expected to be launched in the autumn 2013. Local authorities will be invited to initiate their reporting in 2014.

The Covenant of Mayors is the mainstream European movement involving local authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency in their territories. To date some 4,900 cities and regions have committed to meet and exceed the European Union 20% CO2 reduction objective by 2020.

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