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Немачки произвођач пумпи #Вило отвара погон близу #Алматхи




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Leading pump manufacturer Wilo opened a plant on 23 August near Almaty. The plant will serve Kazakhstan and Central Asia, reported wilo.com, пише Малика Оразгалииева.

Erlan Khairov (left), Amandyk Batalov (centre), Jens Dallendörfer (right) and Christian Kruse opening the new Wilo subsidiary in Kazakhstan.

“Our investment in Wilo’s new site in Kazakhstan is part of Wilo’s intensified global localisation strategy. It will strengthen our competitive position not only in Kazakhstan but also in the entire Central Asian region. Kazakhstan, as a leading hub, will serve as a platform for our business activities in this area,” said CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the Wilo Group Oliver Hermes.

Almaty Region Akim (Governor) Amandyk Batalov and Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry for Investment and Development Erlan Khairov awarded Group Vice President Eurasia Sales at Wilo Jens Dallendörfer a LEED certificate for the green building at the launch event. This was the first LEED Gold certificate granted in Kazakhstan.

“Our new subsidiary will allow us to be closer to our customers, to better address their challenges and improve our responsiveness, including services and trainings. We are happy and proud of the development in the recent years and looking forward to further expanding our business,” Dallendörfer said. The new facility will produce energy efficient pumps and give work to 50 specialists.

According to Hermes, the Kazakh facility is a new connection between Asia and Europe.


“Due to its strategically favourable location, Kazakhstan has a huge potential to build a cultural and economic bridge between Asia and Europe. Projects like One Belt, One Road’ or the Common Economic Space from Vladivostok to Lisbon initiative foster the economic development of Central Asia and the integration of the region into the global economy,” said Hermes.

There are also planned projects, such as Smart Urban Areas in the region, where urban infrastructure and different areas of life are connected with one another digitally and intelligently. The Kazakh capital Astana is the closest example of where the smart Wilo product portfolio can address challenges, the press release from the company said.

The event was attended by Kazakh officials, Wilo top management from Dortmund, employees from Central Asia and their regional customers and partners.

The Kazakh Invest national company provided support to Wilo in organizing the certification of its products locally.

Wilo Group is a leading global supplier of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and the industrial sector. The company is also developing from a component supplier to a system supplier and hopes to be a leader in pump segment technology. The company hopes to be digital pioneer of the industry by 2020. The company employs more than 7,700 people at more than 60 subsidiaries worldwide, according to wilo.com.

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