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Шведска завршава продају 5Г након једног дана




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Operators in Sweden detailed plans for widespread 5G rollouts, after auctions of suitable spectrum were closed following a single day of bidding which netted the nation SEK2.3 billion ($275.5 million), writes Diana Gooverts.

In a statement, the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) noted all 320MHz at 3.5GHz was assigned, with Telia securing 120MHz for SEK760.2 million; Net4Mobility (a joint initiative by Tele2 and Telenor’s local units) 100MHz for SEK665.5 million; and Hi3G 100MHz for SEK491.2 million.

Teracom Group took all 80MHz on offer in the 2.3GHz band for SEK400 million.

sales commenced yesterday (19 January) and closed after four rounds of bidding.

In a joint statement, Tele2 and Telenor said the combination of 3.5GHz with existing 700MHz stock would enable Net4Mobility to expand its 5G network nationwide and conduct “a significant upgrade” of its 4G network.

Kaaren Hilsen, CEO of Telenor Sweden, said “our ambition is to bring 5G to 99 percent of consumers within three years”.

Ericsson and Nokia were selected as equipment vendors for the expansion project, which Tele2 CTIO Yogesh Malik said would involve adding thousands of new base stations, along with upgrades to existing sites.


Telia hailed the spectrum as a “critical asset that will lay the groundwork for the continued expansion of 5G across Sweden”. It noted the 3.5GHz band will be “especially important” for providing coverage in densely populated areas and connecting factories, ports and health-care facilities.

Diana Gooverts joined Mobile World Live as its US Editor in September 2017, reporting on infrastructure and spectrum rollouts, regulatory issues, and other carrier news from the US market.

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