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Хуманитарна помоћ: ЕУ је ослободила 68 милиона евра за # Судан и # Јужни Судан




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The Commission has announced €68 million in humanitarian assistance for vulnerable communities in Sudan and South Sudan.

The funding comes as millions of people across both countries are in need of assistance, with the conflict in South Sudan triggering an influx of refugees into neighbouring Sudan.

"The EU is stepping up its support as many people in Sudan and South Sudan face massive humanitarian needs. Our aid will provide essential supplies such as food and healthcare and allow our partners to continue their lifesaving work on the ground. Above all, it is crucial that humanitarian workers can deliver aid safely so they can help those most in need. Aid workers are not a target," said Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Commissioner Christos Stylianides.

In South Sudan, €45m will primarily target internally displaced persons and host communities, providing emergency food assistance, health, nutrition, shelter, water and sanitation as well as protection from gender based violence. Funding will also support measures to protect aid workers.

In Sudan, €23m will ensure protection of displaced communities, treatment of undernutrition in the most affected areas, as well as food assistance and improved access to basic services such as health, shelter, water and sanitation.

To date, the Commission has mobilized more than €412 million in humanitarian aid for South Sudan since fighting erupted in December 2013. Since 2011, the EU has provided almost €450 million in humanitarian aid in Sudan for those affected by conflict, natural disasters, food insecurity and malnutrition in the country.



Five years of conflict in Јужна Судана has left 70% of the population in need of assistance, and subject of horrendous levels of violence. The conflict is characterized by wide-scale human rights abuses against civilians, in particular women and children, including rape and sexual violence, recruitment of child soldiers, destruction of hospitals, schools and food stocks. Among the 7 million people estimated to be severely food insecure, already several thousands of people may be facing famine conditions, according to a report issued by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network. At least 101 aid workers have been killed since the conflict started in December 2013, and violent attacks on humanitarian workers are on the rise. Despite increasing impediments on the delivery of humanitarian assistance, the EU is among the biggest donors of humanitarian aid in South Sudan.

Sudan has millions of internally displaced people and the country is now hosting more than 1 million refugees. Most of them are South Sudanese who have fled conflict and famine. This is not the only humanitarian crisis affecting Sudan. Unfortunately millions are still displaced in the country after several years. Undernutrition rates in Sudan are also among the highest in Africa. 1 in 6 children suffers from acute undernutrition, and 1 in 20 from its most severe form which is likely to cause death. This year is marked by a further deterioration due to the socioeconomic crisis, localized drought and new conflict related displacement. More than 7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.

While Sudan has eased travel procedures for humanitarian organizations important obstacles remain for a timely provision of humanitarian assistance due to heavy administrative procedures and undue interferences. Emergency response can then be delayed or inadequate.. On top of addressing the most pressing humanitarian needs in the country, the EU has been strengthening coordination with development programmes in Sudan to better tackle protracted crises linked to forced displacement and undernutrition.

Више информација

Factsheet - Sudan

Factsheet - South Sudan

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